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welcome to goldfinch wellness.

My goal is to empower you with knowledge, tools, and support so that you can truly feel your best. So that you can experience the vitality and well-being you were designed for. I’m an educator, writer, and coach. I’m passionate about sharing tools for transformation, self-understanding, and growth. I’m passionate about integrating ancient wisdom with modern science. I am an advocate of the medicine of simplicity; the medicine of nature; the medicine of connection. 

I’m here to share simple, nourishing practices that bring balance to our mental, physical and emotional health. That reunite us with the healing elements within. I’m here to remind you that you are a divine gift. A vessel of life. Within every living creature is a wellspring of healing and potential. I’m here to help you tap into yours.

Change your habits, change your health. 

The mission of Goldfinch Wellness is to empower you with knowledge and practical tools for making changes that stick.

  • So that you can feel stronger, more flexible and more comfortable in your body.
  • So you can experience natural relief from chronic pain
  • So that you can feel deeply rested, more energized and more resilient.
  • So that you can experience the spaciousness and ease you desire ~ in your days and in your life. 
  • So you can enjoy feeling more like yourself.

Through coaching, I help you bring about small changes in your days. The thing about small actions repeated regularly is that they add up. They become habitual. And over time, they make a real impact.

Our habits can form the foundation of our health, or they can set us down the path to imbalance, pain and disease. We have the power to shift our habits. They are the simple medicine we all can use ~  to prevent disease and restore balance and vitality to our systems.  

I’m here to lead the way for you to become more proactive with your health. So that you can tap into the simple medicine in your own hands… creating more opportunities to care for yourself so your body doesn’t have to resort to drastic and intense measures to get you to notice what it needs. 

The original meaning of health is "wholeness"

All ancient healing systems embrace a model of health as “wholeness:” a unity of body, mind and spirit.

Groundbreaking studies reveal that our thoughts, beliefs and feelings literally shape our physical reality. Our health and well-being is indeed a dynamic interplay between our mental, emotional and physical states.

Yet we don’t need anyone’s permission, or the findings of any study,
to commit to ourselves. To listen our body’s needs.

The only permission we need to show up for ourselves in new ways is our own.

It is our birthright to thrive, to seek our own state
of balance and wholeness.
To feel fully alive.

My goal is to promote this original sense of health as wholeness ~ a unity of body, mind and spirit.

I’m not interested in strict rules or extremes. I’ve done plenty of experimentation with that kind of approach in my own wellness journey. The truth is, excessive restrictions in general tend to further disconnect us from our innate wisdom; from the intelligence of the nature within, that is always there to guide us. 

I’m more interested in balance: in learning frameworks and guidelines, and discovering how we can make them work for our own situations. I’m interested in the healing power of connection. I’m interested in the integration of body, mind and spirit ~ of healing as becoming whole. I am here to support you in this process.

I am here to simplify your path to greater health and well-being…

So you can discover how to feel a whole lot better than you thought possible.

brook with mossy rocks in sun

The Stepping Stone Path

Enrollment is open for the October  2024 round of this empowering immersion course in habit change

Learn to automate the habits of longevity and resilience. It’s like driver’s ed ~ but for steering your body on a course to wellness. 

Gain traction through the support of a small dynamic group. Get in the driver’s seat and learn simple, powerful ways to evolve your health.

Upcoming Events

Workshops and free talks and classes, oh my! Join us for guided meditation and yoga on the first and third Mondays of each month, seasonal resets, and more… 


Take a tour through my favorite recipes and bring some fresh energy into your kitchen! You’ll find an emphasis on simple, plant-based dishes that are easy to make and easy to adapt. 

September 16th through October 2nd 2024

Join the community for our semi-annual seasonal reset: a holistic cleanse to nurture body, mind and spirit. Pause, reset, refresh, and ride the tide of the change in seasons. Your body is primed to shift gears and clean house as summer gives way to fall. I’ll guide the way so you can feel more grounded, centered and clear for the season ahead.

Work with Me

Empower yourself to make practical changes that support your health. Gain the support you need to start moving in the direction you desire. Learn to tap into the healing power of your daily habits. Discover your capacity to feel well-rested, deeply nourished, connected and whole. 

4 books stacked with spring blossoms on top

Resource Room

Inspiration, education, and support on a host of timely topics… you’re sure to find something useful in this go-to page.

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