Welcome to Goldfinch Wellness! I’m Emily. I’m so glad you’re here.
Why Goldfinch? These birds evoke playfulness, sweetness and cheer. Their bright yellow coloring is so striking and uplifting. I love how communal their feeding habits are ~ there is a sort of cloud of joyful and light-hearted chattering that surrounds them as they come and go from the feeders.
And there is an exquisite sweetness to their song.
The finches represent qualities that I value deeply, and which are at the foundation of my work. The elegant simplicity of nature. Accessibility. Joy. Uplifting one another through community.
I continuously return to nature for inspiration and perspective.
In my work, I guide people to connect with and appreciate the profound beauty within themselves ~ the beauty of nature that lies within.
I have been working in the health and wellness field since 2006. I originally came into this work through massage therapy. Always drawn to education, I soon branched into classroom instruction of Anatomy & Physiology ~ a subject I unexpectedly fell in love with in the course of my massage training.
Throughout these years, I’ve devoted myself to studies of mind-body medicine. I consider myself to be lifelong student of ancient healing systems such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Taoist healing. And I naturally became fascinated with the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern science.
Most recently, I’ve incorporated the role of holistic health coach into my work. I find this work to be profoundly rewarding. It evolves naturally from my prior experience in the wellness field, promoting newfound appreciation and understanding of our bodies and our health. It is a tremendous honor to work with clients in this capacity as I lead them to bring about small changes in their days that add up to create significant shifts in their health.
In my role as a holistic health coach, I integrate:
This new role provides me with the incredible opportunity to ground a wealth of knowledge ~ not to mention passion and enthusiasm ~ into refreshingly practical support. Though I love teaching and bodywork more than words could convey, this new role expands my ability to reach people and make a positive impact on peoples’ health.
Through coaching, I guide you to small, concrete action steps that help you steadily close the gap between how you feel now and how you want to feel. That unlock your ability to experience the level of health, joy and connectivity you were designed for.
I created Goldfinch Wellness:
I am here to put the tools you need into your hands. So that you can:
My mission is to empower you with knowledge and practical tools for making changes that stick. To guide you in applying what you learn to your own unique situation. To help you restore balance in your body, mind and soul.
I’m here for you. I invite you to schedule a one-on-one chat so I can learn more about your situation, your goals, and your challenges.
The word medicine comes from the Latin medicina: “the healing art; medicine, a remedy.” This word in turn comes from an older root, which means “to take appropriate measures.”
Goldfinch Wellness is dedicated to sharing the simple measures that are within your grasp for steering your health in the direction you desire. To guide you in applying new knowledge in ways that are appropriately suited for your unique situation. To improve your ability to listen to your own body’s needs. To connect you with the medicine you have in your own hands.
I’ve found that all the knowledge in the world cannot make us balanced, healthy or whole. It is only through being open to learn and apply this knowledge with our practices that we can experience its power to transform.
Part of the inspiration for Goldfinch Wellness is the profound medicine that we have within our reach at all times. Our daily habits can be medicine. The way we eat, the way we move and breathe, the way we rest, the way we connect ~ even the way we think can serve as very real, very practical medicine. These simple tools are surprisingly effective in helping us feel more balanced, more easeful, more present to the gifts that life has to offer.
The remedy for the complexity of the times in which we live is simplicity. The simplest forms of medicine are so often the most potent ~ and the most overlooked.
I’m not interested in rules or extremes.
I’m not interested in having all the answers.
I’m interested in growth.
I’m interested in balance.
I’m interested in courage.
I believe it can take courage to truly nourish ourselves. To truly listen to ourselves.
To look at our patterns with curiosity and compassion.
To believe new things about ourselves. To try new things and change our daily habits.
I’m interested in being awake enough to hear what our bodies need… and having the wisdom to see that what we needed yesterday might be different than what we need today.
I’d love to talk with you about your body goals and share how I can help.
Through Goldfinch Wellness, I am committed to making small shifts to improve our personal and collective understanding and experience of health and well-being.
Nature speaks to us so directly and so viscerally. It is always there to teach us, and uplift us through connection.
I created Goldfinch Wellness as a vehicle to promote healing through connection. To reveal the natural intelligence already within you. To promote wellness from the inside out.
I believe in your ability to experience balance in your body, mind and soul.
I believe in your ability to overcome obstacles.
And I believe in your ability to thrive.