Friday, November 5th, 2021, 5-7pm through Saturday, November 6th, 9-12pm, 1:30-2:30 pm Mountain Time

Uma Jolicoeur of Eight Directions Ayurveda, former faculty member at the Ayurvedic Institute, is the guest teacher for this event. 

She brings her exquisite skills in communicating profound ancient wisdom to this interactive workshop, to shine a light on a universally relevant topic: how to improve our communication. 

Gain tools to better understand communication styles, to listen and connect more deeply in your everyday interactions.

Tap into the magnificent potential for greater connection and understanding.

Learn how to bring balance within your own systems in order to make practical shifts in your own speech, to speak from a place of deeper alignment. 

Deepen the opportunity for connection, and even healing, in the simplest of encounters.

Uma is a well-loved teacher with a great gift for speaking directly to the heart of the matter in beautifully simple, accessible language. I am delighted to be collaborating with her for this weekend webinar.

Watch my recent interview with Uma here to learn more about why we’re putting this workshop on.

Experience a taste of Uma’s graceful teaching ~ and sign up now for a weekend deep-dive with us into Ayurveda and the Art of Communication.

the words you speak become the house you live in - hafiz