Your package includes:

  • A one-on-one intake session to help you feel prepared and supported from the start
  • A thorough guide for designing your own home reset that you can customize for your specific needs
  • Access to live, weekly group calls for inspiration, support, and community
  • Private community forum, including videos, recipes, meditations and best practices based on years of experience
  • Simple, empowering tools for feeling fantastic ~ that you can keep for life!

The season change is here. Time to ride the tide!

Why a Fall Reset?

Simplifying our intake and taking care of our digestive fire are some of the most powerful tools we have for improving health.

pot containing lovage leaves for soup

The pace of our lives, and our habitual ways of consuming, often leave us with an accumulation of undigested “stuff.” We end up carrying this baggage around, sometimes not even aware of how much it’s getting in our way.

Digestion takes energy. More than half of our daily energy expenditure, in fact.

We can free up tremendous amounts of energy just by making some shifts in how we’re consuming. With this surplus of energy, we can naturally clear through some of the backlog.

What this really facilitates is healing. When we’re taking in too much, there’s no energy or space to go into deep cleaning mode.

Healing happens naturally when we simplify our intake and give our bodies some extra space for processing.

The result? We feel like a better version of ourselves. More inspired. Less pain. Lighter.
More clear. More joyful! Yes please!

At the end of summer, our bodies have accumulated heat, and potentially moisture as well. Some may experience this excess heat in the form of skin rashes or irritations, acid reflux, inflammation, or emotionally as irritability, excessive frustration, impatience and even anger.

Excess heat and moisture means a liability on our system that makes us more susceptible to illness. Decreasing inflammation before heading into the cooler months serves us well.

A fall reset can help us clear out excess heat and moisture and create a calming and soothing environment within, which is so important as the weather starts to transition. When we enter into the classic “flu season” bearing less of a burden, our immune system enjoys far more resilience during these months.

A fall reset is a ripe opportunity to intentionally clear toxins and give ourselves a clean slate for the season ahead. Then we can enter into the colder months with less of a load on our systems. Less irritation and inflammation. Less bogged down.

A reset can awaken the intelligence of our cells, resulting in cravings which are better aligned with what is supportive for our systems. It’s a beautiful thing!

Now’s the time to get in on the Fall Reset Package.

I carefully designed this reset so you can customize it to your own situation.

This package is here to support your health by bringing you all the resources you need to do a simple home reset… while tapping into an online community for support, inspiration, and camaraderie along the way!

This reset is about giving our digestive systems a little pause to catch up and regain balance. The digestive system is at the core of our health and immunity. Giving it a little extra space is a simple act with huge payoffs.

A reset is a golden opportunity:

  • to create much-needed space ~ and give yourself a little more room to breathe
  • to step back from your regular, habitual patterns of consumption and establish some new habits that will serve you better
  • to minimize external input in order to turn our attention inwards, nourishing yourself on a subtler level

It’s an invitation to simplify. To become mindful about the process of letting go ~ on the physical, mental and emotional levels. So that we’re not carrying more baggage than necessary into the next leg of our journey.

Just as the thought of setting down heavy bags may evoke a great sense of relief, giving the body a chance to lighten its load can feel absolutely amazing. 

Join me for the upcoming Fall Reset ~ September 16th through October 2nd 2024

  • Improve your health by restoring digestive balance and strength
  • Let go of unwanted accumulation
  • Experience rejuvenation and repair on a cellular level
  • Feel lighter, more clear and more easeful
  • Empower yourself to let go of habitual cravings
  • Set yourself up for a healthy year
  • Learn how to give yourself more space to recharge

A reset is simply an opportunity to take in less. It is not to be confused with a restrictive diet, a model of deprivation or the enforcing a negative attitude about food. It is literally about creating space. 

Let me guide you through the basic principles for running your own home reset.

And instead of going it alone, gain the momentum of participating alongside others who’ve committed to the process as well.

Tap into the powerful support network I’ve created to help you get the most out of this process. Tune into live calls and explore the process within a safe community.  Connect with fellow human beings who are also committed to evolving some aspect of their own health. Share in the experience and learn from each other. 

Learn what a holistic approach to cleansing looks like for you. I have built in a variety of options and resources in this package. I’m going to share essential tools and tips based on years of my own experimentations with cleansing. This is a holistic package. It’s about attending to yourself physically, emotionally and mentally. So that you can truly get the most out of this experience.

This reset is NOT about strict rules and restrictions. It’s not a “cleanse in a box.” You get to design it yourself based on what’s right for you in this moment.

Let’s find the approach that lines up with your current needs. I’ll introduce you to the joys of a digestive reset or help you deepen your existing practice… so that you can continue to return to and evolve this incredibly powerful tool, year after year.

This process, repeated annually or bi-annually, can completely transform what aging looks like. It’s about what’s happening on a cellular level. And learning to create an environment that allows the body to rejuvenate and reverse patterns of degeneration on its own

I am here to guide you:

  • To step back mindfully and create space for better digestion… which lines you up for improved health
  • To create an environment that naturally allows your body to process whatever has built up
  • To wipe the slate clean and put some supportive habits in place for the season ahead
  • To evolve your capacity to release whatever is subtly or not-so-subtly getting in the way of your feeling at your best
  • To uncover simple, powerful tools for feeling better than you thought you could feel!  

My years of personal experience with cleansing and seasonal resets have directly informed the structure and content of this offering. I’ve woven in a wealth of perspectives that have played a huge role in my ability to shift my own relationship to food, nourishment and self-care.

Cleanses are not about deprivation. They are an opportunity to experience a transformative level of lightness, clarity, reconnection, surrender… and rejuvenation. 

A seasonal reset is one of the most effective tools we have for regaining control over our health. I want everyone to know how to apply these basic principles to their own situation and reap the countless benefits of this practice.

ThistleHumans have been undergoing periodic cleanses for millennia. We are well served to pause for a break in “taking in” material from the outside world. And on a cellular level, we are very much designed to seize the opportunity provided by a little break in this “input” and literally clean house.

Our cells take this extra time and space as a green light to scavenge around and dispose of  unwanted debris ~ essentially clearing away the build-up of worn-out parts of ourselves that can interfere with smooth and balanced functioning in our bodies. Build-up that our cells simply don’t have a chance to clear away when they’re inundated with constant input.

  • Does your digestion feels out of balance?
  • Do you want to decrease inflammation?
  • Do you want clearer skin?
  • Do you have joint pain?
  • Do you want to experience more ease with your menstrual cycle?
  • Do you want to improve your metabolism?
  • Do you struggle with grogginess and low energy?
  • Do you want to be at a healthy weight for your frame?

These are some of the many concerns for which a seasonal reset can be a powerful tool.

Tapping into our cells’ ability to kick into their natural clean-up mode is a very useful card to have up your sleeve and learn to start playing strategically.

Part of that strategy is paying attention to the seasons. In the shift between seasons, we are especially suited to release accumulation. That change in the air is surely something you naturally feel already.

Things are on the move. It’s the perfect time to encourage movement of anything that’s been feeling stuck. So that whatever is unwanted or no longer useful can catch a ride right on out of your system! Doesn’t that sound great?

Cleansing is not a one-size-fits all process. The right approach is one that takes your whole picture into account: your physical, mental and emotional state. Your current life situation, your specific goals. Even what kind of support you currently have in place.

My approach is a holistic one. I’m interested in creating a practice that can evolve over the years, as mine has. One that feels manageable for where you are at right now. That feels nourishing to your mind, body and spirit.

And that’s why I’ve designed this guided reset ~ to help you experience some of the many, extraordinary benefits of cleansing ~ without having to force yourself into a rigid model that only looks a certain way. This process can look very different from one person to the next, and I’m here to support a healthy range of options so that you can enjoy an approach that’s right for you, right now.

Where's the fire?

Fire is the element of transformation. As it burns up matter, it yields light and heat, leaving behind only charcoal and ash.

Ancient healing traditions teach us that the elements are very much a part of our internal landscape. They are natural, dynamic, organizing principles. Working with these primal, universal energies is an empowering way to bring balance and vitality into your life.

The Ayurvedic perspective is that our digestive system contains the fire of transformation. It converts food we ingest into nutrient molecules that our cells can use. 

Our cells use these raw materials to create energy, to build essential bits of ourselves, to replicate and repair. They require these simple substances to go about the necessary work of life. But they require the digestive system to liberate these building blocks from our food.

Like any fire, without proper stoking, the fire of our digestion can lose its strength. Many habits we often don’t think twice about end up weakening our digestive fire. Frequent snacking, overeating, keeping an erratic mealtime schedule, eating without hunger ~ while bored, distracted, or to soothe emotional distress ~ can compromise the potency of this fundamental system. 

When a fire lacks strength, it cannot burn properly. It puts out a lot of smoke and cannot perform the real work of transformation.

When we take in food without sufficient digestive strength, it can’t really be digested. This blocks our ability to liberate and absorb needed nutrients from our food. And it results in a back-up of undigested matter. In Ayurveda, this is called ama. 

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “we are what we eat.” Ayurveda teaches us that, in fact, “we are what we digest.” From this angle, taking some time to learn how to kindle our digestive fire is well worth the effort. 

Accumulation of undigested material eventually interferes with the sophisticated but delicate technology of our cells. It compromises their ability to read and respond to their environment, to share needed information, and to perform their vital role in cooperating to promote the well-being of the whole organism (aka you and me).  

Yet we have the ability to rekindle a weak digestive fire. This is why a reset can be so powerful. When this fire is burning well, it can become our greatest ally in health ~ even burning off accumulated matter that was building up and causing havoc in our systems. 

That kind of fire is the kind we cultivate during a seasonal reset.

Your body is designed to do this naturally ~ without any special instructions. Your job is simply to give it the environment to kindle those flames and perform this sublime work of transformation. And I am here to help you make this happen.