educate. empower. evolve.


  • To empower and inspire you with knowledge and practical tools for applying that knowledge ~ to take your health into your own hands
  • To lead you to restore a relationship with yourself based on deep understanding, love and appreciation
  • To reunite you with the powerful healing elements within
  • To deepen your ability to listen to, honor and more fully inhabit the vessel of life that is your body
  • To promote simplicity as the remedy for our complex times

This journey is a collective one. No one exists in isolation. 

We are wired to connect, to learn from one another, to support each other, to accomplish incredible things together. 

So we embrace unity and diversity. We embrace the power of connection and the power of the collective.

We acknowledge that we are interconnected and that we need each other. 

We are here to support one another, as we embark on the journey from surviving to thriving

I believe we all have within us a powerful medicine that often goes overlooked ~ I like to call it human medicine.  


At Goldfinch Wellness, these are our core values. We lean on them to shape our conversations and help direct us on our path to progress. 

As Joseph Campbell taught us, everyone is on his or her own hero’s journey. The hero rises to the occasion. She is transformed by the challenges she encounters. She gains inner treasures and wisdom through her adventure. And she returns to her community, enriching it with what she has gained along the way.

  • We embrace curiosity ~ valuing the power of our questions and the process of inquiryWe take action ~ remembering to keep asking ourselves “what is the next step I can take?”
  • We attend to our connections ~ with our environment, within ourselves, in our relationships
  • We step into courage ~ in the original sense of showing up wholeheartedly
  • We take responsibility ~ recognizing the impact of our thoughts, beliefs, words and actions
  • We become leaders ~ paving the way for greater well-being, care and understanding in our families and communities

We believe that evolving and expanding our capacity to feel joyful and well has a decidedly positive impact on everyone around us. Improving our health is a means to making a greater, more positive impact in our families, in our communities, in our workplace, and beyond. 

When we commit to the path of better health and well-being, we expand our potential. We open up the channels for positivity in our lives. 

There is no end-point on this journey. Evolution is a continuous process. We continue to refine and up-level our abilities to care for this vehicle of life we call our body. And we bring what we have gained from this journey to those around us. 

We become leaders in our homes, in our workplaces, and in our communities. We attend deeply to our environments ~ because we see that we are inseparable. Our connection is our health.