here's what people are saying...

"The main change I have experienced as a result of Emily's Stepping Stones program is a heightened ability to hear and trust in my inner voice.

Before this program I often (several times per week) would binge on junk food to the point of physical discomfort. I had been on a weight loss program or "diet" for about 30 years and still felt imprisoned by my relationship with food. I thought it was my right, and just punishment, to measure and record everything that passed my lips. Today, it has been six months since I last binged. I no longer drink alcohol daily. I have daily breathing and exercise practices.

I decided to release myself from the "outside" voices and focus inward for my eating cues — I gave up measuring and recording my food intake. I'm caring for myself in ways I never thought were possible."
— C.O., Client
"When we started last January I never exercised. I never walked, I never rode my bike. Now I go out every day, I either walk or ride my bike.
I have stopped drinking coffee My partner and I split 1 or 2 beers a week — as opposed to before, I was drinking a beer and half every night I honestly believe I will be more fit at 70, more active & fit & spry than I am at 65. And that’s because of the last year. "
— Anonymous, Course participant
"Emily is a precious gem! Her ability to build enthusiasm, curiosity and peer-to-peer accountability with adults is infectious. Emily shows up for people. I believe she sees knowledge as power and wants everyone to be empowered with useful information that can help them in their life. Emily challenges the status quo, and looks for new ways to empower learning. She sets a new standard around the grace she extends to others, and makes me want to do the same."
— Holli B., Former student
"I've gotten a lot of practical benefit from this course. I gained knowledge of how to break things down into concrete steps you can take to make small changes. And I've had a definite shift in my mental-emotional state. I honestly feel calmer and less anxious than I've felt in my whole life."
— Erinn M., Course particpant
"The perfect amount of support I needed for a cleanse, and a great value. I loved the information hub, recipes and ideas. And I enjoyed connecting with the group members! I like the idea of joining a group that is cleansing at the same time. This was just the support I needed to stay motivated. I would join again in a heartbeat."
— Deanna, Cleanse participant
"Emily is so good at helping you unpack things that you need help unpacking, be it the details, or the backstory. Very Intuitive, compassionate, and helpful in decoding what needs to be decoded in order to remove blocks and open you up to change. I find it tremendously helpful! I'm eternally blown away by the fact that what we do is redundant — Each time we talk about the same thing, we bring such a fresh perspective to it, fresh unpacking, Very loving, very helpful."
— C.O., Client
"Emily's power of loving compassion and deep wisdom shifts people from struggle into triumph by honoring the rhythms of life."
— J.N., Course participant
"Want to create a life with more freedom and clarity? Let yourself be drawn into a journey of discovery, guided by a true wellness leader." "
— J.N., Course participant
"My favorite part about the one-on-ones with you is that not only do you repeat back what I said so that I am positive what I’m saying is actually what I want to say, but you help me break my bigger things down into smaller steps ~ so that it doesn’t feel like this overwhelming thing. 'Cause it can be really hard to break those things down on your own and get to the very small step…

(You're) amazing at helping me narrow it down so it doesn’t feel like this overwhelming thing. And I’ve got these tangible Stepping Stones that I can follow instead of having to make leaps and bounds."
— Emily M., Course particpant
"Decades of struggle and defeat seemed to have a permanent hold on me, no matter what I tried... until I joined Emily's program. This year with Emily has shown me how to leap onto my true path of destiny with joy and excitement for my future. The game-changer was to be seen and heard, and then truly cared for while honoring my struggles and inconsistencies."
— J.N., Course participant
"I've learned so much about myself, my health, my habits and my limiting beliefs, through Emily.

She seems to effortlessly weave together her A & P expertise, her understanding of Ayurveda, her skills in the science of habit change, her culinary art, her passionate love affair with all things Nature, and all the layers of her beautiful self.

I joined this year-long course last year and it propelled me into an existence in which I respect my body's needs so much more than I did before. Gratitude for this adventure!!"
— Hazel L., Course participant
“I ~ for a lifetime ~ would give everything to everyone else. And would show up and do more than was ever expected or even wanted. And discovered through this group that I was actually doing that out of a fear of abandonment and to stay connected.

So I look at me today and me a year ago and the space that I’ve created ~ by not doing that ~ is so big. Boy, I am not who I was a year ago."
— Anonymous, Course participant
"It was a pain-free and very productive session. I so appreciate Emily's big heart and impressive toolbox!

She gracefully guided me into the jungle of my kitchen (and my feelings about the space). She asked just the right questions at the right times" "
— Hazel L., Client
"My youngest is now starting to follow my better habits too and my eldest is wanting to participate in things more, such as cooking. It has been helpful to have the house become more of a team in this than it was before, and they don't even realize they are developing better habits!"
— Emily M., Course participant
"Emily is so well suited for this work that she does with us!! She is so knowledgeable, passionate, inspiring and is so great at getting to the heart of our challenges and wisely helping us to transform."
— J.N., Course participant