blender with avocado, red pepper, lime and garlic

Easy Blended Soup

Blended soups are an awesome option for folks who want to get in more vegetables with a smoother texture!

They’re also ridiculously simple. Perfect for cleanses or anytime you want a light, nutritious meal. High speed blenders definitely make a difference.

The staples are broth and vegetables ~ raw or cooked. 

I often do a blend of raw and cooked and usually add a handful of fresh herbs &/or sprouts as well.

Add avocado, hemp seeds or sunflower seeds if desired.

My favorite:

~ 3 cups broth (heated ahead of time)
1 large or 2 medium carrots, cooked or raw
1 baked potato
Handful of fresh basil, parsley or both
~1 cup green beans (I usually do these raw)

Blend & serve!


I often make a blended soup after making a batch of broth, so I’ll just pull some of the vegetables I’ve strained out from the broth itself, i.e: garlic, carrots, celery, onion. Mmmmmm.