deluxe peanut sauce recipe

deluxe coconut peanut sauce…

the kind you want to drink.

the kind Everyone asks the recipe for.

(the kind I don’t have a set recipe for)

but here goes:

peanut butter, around 1/3 c. (not the grind-your-own-at-the-store variety, texture doesn’t quite work)

coconut milk, around 1 c.

few dashes each tamari, rice wine or white wine vinegar

something sweet – i prefer coco aminos, other options include brown sugar or honey. just a tsp or so

heat – diced jalapeño or red pepper flakes or whatever you like, this time I just used about 1/2 tsp NM red chile powder

crushed or minced garlic (few cloves)

ginger (peeled, minced, or finely grated, about 1 knuckle)

cilantro, few Tbs, chopped fine

lime juice, about 2 tsp, or to taste

mix well!

adjust to taste (this part is important and utterly dependent upon your tastes. if it’s too spicy or sour, add more peanut/ coconut/ sweet. if it’s too sweet, add a dash more vinegar or tamari. enjoy the tasting/ adjusting process. it’s part of making a great peanut sauce)

i made an extra big batch and we had it with rice, carrots, fresh snap peas, and minced fresh spearmint leaves as garnish.

oh. my. yumminess you guys.

it’s sort of like a Vietnamese fresh roll with a fraction of the toil. there’s a time and a place for everything, and fresh rolls are pretty epic, but – this comes together really easily for a ridiculously tasty fresh summertime meal.

the fresh spearmint really takes it to the next level


ps: this is deluxe because, although it comes together fairly quickly, there are plenty of ingredients and not all of them are ones you may have immediately on hand. i have a few “quick & dirty” peanut sauce recipes that i’ll happily use in a pinch, which don’t really merit a recipe (basically a glop of peanut butter, some tamari, a little coco aminos and lime juice. maybe a little powdered ginger) miso also works nicely with peanut butter, garlic, ginger & tamari for a quick sauce. 

pps: Ayurvedically speaking, peanuts are heating. the coconut, lime & cilantro provide a nice counterbalance. but if you run hot, take it easy on the peanuts.




5 thoughts on “deluxe peanut sauce recipe

  1. So amazing! My mouth waters just thinking of how tasty it is. Thank you for the recipe!!

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