raw almonds spilling from a jar

Easy Nut Cookies

Easy Nut Cookies ~ from Cate Stillman/ Yogidetox Guide, Fall 2020

This ridiculously simple recipe literally came in a detox guide. Obviously, that means they’re healthy. Win! Use cashews or almonds for this recipe. A coffee grinder dedicated for nuts & spices is super useful.

2 cups almond or cashew flour
(that means the nuts are ground into a powder ~  
make sure to stop before it turns into a paste!)
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 tsp. cardamom powder
~ 2 tsp. water

Grind nuts into a powder in a coffee grinder. Add other ingredients. Mix well (with a fork and possibly your hands) Scoop out small (2-3 Tbsp. sized)  sections and drop onto cookie sheet or cast iron skillet. I give a few inches between cookies, don’t worry about shaping them. They don’t really spread. 

Bake at 325 till golden brown, around 20 minutes. I use a large cast iron skillet or pizza stone. They may require a little longer, but watch that they don’t get darker than golden brown. This requires a little patience. I usually flip them over once they’re out of the oven to get a little more heat on the top. If they’re seeming really soft, you can return them to the oven for a few more minutes after flipped. They will seem more moist than most cookies to start with. This is where the patience comes in.  As long as you bake till golden, the consistency will transform as they cool – they end up amazing. Don’t try to speed up the process by raising the over temp. (I’ve tried) The nut oils are too delicate to hold up without burning.

Amazing! So simple! My son can just about do this whole recipe by himself. You can totally eat the batter raw (it’s crazy delicious) or lick off your fingers when you’ve gotten them sticky from forming cookies by hand – it’s just nuts & maple syrup! We’re big fans of this one… a single batch goes quickly! Actually, a double batch goes quickly too! Enjoy 🙂