glass bottles of various sizes and shapes, rainbow of colors

room for improvement

In my years of work in the wellness field, I’ve noticed a few trends with ample room for improvement. 

  1. Collectively, we don’t receive much education about how our bodies work. We assume someone else knows better than we do about what’s best for our health. We don’t have a basic appreciation for how marvelous and fascinating we truly are. This lack of understanding and appreciation leads to disconnection from our selves and disempowerment from our own capacity to heal. 

  2. We aren’t encouraged to recognize the connections between how we feel and what we do on a daily basis. There isn’t a lot of emphasis, in the conventional health care model, on fresh food, healthy digestion, the way we breathe or the quality of our rest. Yet these are factors that are fundamental to our health.

  3. As a society, we spend a whole lot of time focused on food. Obsessed, even. Fad diets are everywhere. But on the whole, despite this heavy fixation, we don’t tend to experience the feeling of deep nourishment. We are often, strangely, overstuffed yet undernourished.

  4. We are flooded with information about health and wellness ~ it’s a multi-trillion dollar industry. But we have a ways to go in actually feeling better. We come up short in the practical realm of how to implement even the smallest of healthy changes into our lives. We lack an approach for making changes that stick.

  5. We are stuck in a paradigm that has us seeking external solutions. There isn’t much value placed on reflection, self-inquiry, or even the natural intelligence of our own organism.

  6. We are disconnected from the nature within ourselves. We may see the value of appreciating nature and spending time in nature, but we don’t tend to recognize that this very nature, in all its splendor and beauty, is within us.

Through Goldfinch Wellness, I am committed to promoting an understanding ~ and experience ~ of health that addresses these imbalances. That facilitates a shift both in our personal and our collective health. Our health is our connection.