closeup on colorful seaweed miso soup

Seaweed Miso Soup

Another family favorite. More of a template than a strict recipe, the vegetables definitely shift with the season…

This is a light, delicious, Asian-style soup.

It’s a regular favorite in our household. We make it both with & without noodles.

1 quart of broth

1 medium onion, chopped (or simply sliced into whole rings, which makes it easier to remove for picky eaters!)

1-2 knuckles of ginger, peeled & cut into matchsticks or minced

3-5 cloves garlic, chopped

~ 1 cup cabbage, washed and chopped

1-2 carrots, cut into coins

1-2 stalks celery, chopped

1-2 sheets dry seaweed, or ~ 1/4 cup seaweed flakes

Tamari, ~ 2 Tbsp.

~2 tsp miso per serving

Other options as desired:

Snap peas
Green beans
Bell pepper
Jalepeño/ green chile
Kale/ Collards/ Chard/ Spinach

For garnish (all optional):

Crushed peanuts
Thinly sliced green onion
Fresh lime juice

In a medium pot, sauté onions. I tend to use coconut oil in the warmer months and sesame in the colder ones; use what you prefer. 

Stir in ginger & garlic, cook for another few minutes.

Add in cabbage, celery &/or carrot, sauté with lid on for several minutes

Pour in a quart or so of broth ~ adjust for consistency you prefer

Bring to a boil then turn down to medium, add tamari/ soy sauce

Add green beans/ snap peas/ mushrooms/ strips of tough greens i.e collards or kale

Add seaweed 

Cook for another 5-10 minutes, till vegetables are tender.

Throw in noodles towards the end, if using
(rice noodles are great, ramen, etc.
Cook them first, separately)
Remove from heat, dish and add miso paste to individual servings (~ 2 tsp per serving)

Mash the miso paste a bit with a fork into the liquid to incorporate.

Garnish as desired


Always add miso after removing from heat, or the beneficial live culture will be destroyed.