brook with mossy rocks in sun

time to try something new

there’s a story i came across last year that had a big impact on me. studying sleep cycles and circadian rhythm, i read of an older couple who was ready to try something totally new to improve their sleep ~ and their health. after supper, they decided to essentially stop using electricity for the rest of the night (i.e.: lights, television…). they did this for an entire YEAR.

not surprisingly, they were able to reverse sleep disorders and enjoyed dramatic improvements to their health as a result. now that’s one way to approach a change. remove electricity from the equation! the rest took care of itself. 

there’s one thing of which i’m certain: all the little things we do add up. those little choices really do matter.

small shifts, consistently repeated, have an enormous impact.

i’ve found that a willingness to try new ways of doing things is basically a superpower. and it’s one we can all cultivate.

when we notice something that’s not working ~ in life, work, relationships, etc. ~ it may be all too easy to spin out into an inner narrative about why that is. in these habitual stories, blame and shame tend to show up at some point or another. 

yet on a path of transformation and growth, it’s all about getting curious. being proactive. trying new things.

as Einstein famously said: “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” 

it is common to assume that because something worked for us in the past, it can continue working for us indefinitely. but what if we learned to adjust our perspective; to see that some habits were right at the time, but no longer a fit for our current reality? this brings untold grace, and room for new possibilities, into the equation. ultimately, it is deeply liberating. 

if there are new outcomes ~ in our health, relationships, or our daily life ~ that we want to be experiencing, why not start asking ourselves: what can i try doing differently? where can i plug a new variable into the equation?

maintaining a mindset of experimentation works wonders in the process of habit change.


the lovely book Ikigai: the Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia, underlines the benefits of shaking ourselves out of habitual patterns.

in the section called Antiaging Secrets, they speak to the importance of keeping the brain healthy and active with new tasks and challenges as we age. our mind benefits enormously from intentionally interrupting our ingrained, automatic habits with new experiences. 

Presented with new information, the brain creates new connections and is revitalized. That is why it is so important to expose yourself to change, even if stepping outside your comfort zone means feeling a bit of anxiety… Our neurons start to age while we are still in our twenties. This process is slowed, however, by intellectual activity, curiosity, and a desire to learn. Dealing with new situations, learning something new every day, playing games, and interacting with other people seem to be essential antiaging strategies for the mind… Ikigai, p. 21-22

trying new things, new ways of being; even driving down different streets ~ taking the road less traveled ~ all literally drive the formation of new connections in our brains. we become aware of new possibilities. there are only so many new insights we can expect to gain when viewing things from the same vantage point.


as a coach, i find it thrilling to work with folks who are willing to regularly reflect, learn, and add something positive and new into the equation of their days. it’s amazing how small, simple shifts, repeated over the course of even a few weeks, can generate profound changes in people’s lives.

in leading seasonal cleanses every spring and fall, i have gained phenomenal insight about the power of intention… about what kind of changes we all have the capacity to bring about over a mere handful of weeks.


are you curious what could change in your life if you set a powerful intention for the month to come? 

i”m writing this post at the beginning of a new month. it’s the last month of 2022. i want to invite you to consider what you want to be feeling, a month from now. in your body; in your mind; in your heart. 

what simple new action could you take ~ and repeat each day ~ to bring you closer to that goal?

i recently learned that a plane leaving L.A., heading to Boston, will end up in Florida if it shifts its course by a mere 3 degrees. how’s that for the power of small ~ seemingly insignificant ~ shifts?

what small but positive change can you underwhelm yourself with? that you could commit to doing every day this month?

what 3 degree shift could you employ right now to get you to a completely different destination one month from now? one that really lands you where your heart desires to be? 

it’s prime time to try something new.

let’s run an experiment and commit to doing something differently, for the next few weeks.

think about how you want to feel at the start of the new year. get that picture clear and compelling in your mind’s eye.

then take aim at where you want to end up. 


perhaps your simple change could be:

  • starting the day with plenty of warm water
  • setting an intention each morning… to consciously choose compassion, gratitude, love or patience throughout the day
  • doing a simple breathing practice
  • sitting in stillness once a day, perhaps with a cup of herbal tea
  • taking 5 minutes to stretch in the morning
  • starting a gentle movement practice
  • watching the sunrise or sunset
  • reading instead of watching in the evening
  • writing in a journal each day…

  • or if you’re really ready to embrace deep rest and restore your natural energy, how about taking electricity out of the equation after supper!?

there’s some part of you that already has an idea in the back of your mind. bring it to the forefront. tap into the superpower of a willingness to try something new. for 2 weeks, 3 weeks… or a straight month.

be curious. seriously. what might transpire in this short period of time with a little focus and intention?


let’s be willing to experiment.



brook with mossy rocks in sun

want to go further? use the Stepping Stone Path!

i lead a year-long program designed to up-level your health and your potential. through this work, we unlock our innate capacity to heal and thrive through simple habits that build resilience and promote longevity.

weaving together the deep wisdom of Ayurveda, the science of habit change and the power of a dynamic, growth-minded community, we progress together. we become agents of our own transformation.

and we connect with our inner compass to navigate life’s challenges in new ways. we heal habitual patterns of inflammation and degeneration, and build new ones that serve to restore and regenerate. we free up natural energy.

if you want to tap into the power of simple, consistent changes that align with big-picture goals, schedule a chat with me right here. i’m ready to connect!