pause. reset. refresh.

if you have fabric you want to dye, the first step is always to wash it. i learned this simple, powerful truth from Dr. Vasant Lad, as guidance for...

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simple green soup

I’ve just returned from a trip to France. It was beautiful and complex and rich and satisfying. There’s a lot to reflect on and some of that reflecting will...

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Pesto is one of my all-time favorite ways to bring a burst of green goodness into our meals. Color is so so important, not just because it activates the...

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why i cleanse

Why I’m doing a cleanse/reset this spring (and every spring thereafter, until further notice): Our physiology is primed to clean house at this time of year. Our species consistently...

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another delicious supper

I love cooking. I love taking in the colors, flavors, tastes, and smells… I love the transformative process of ingredients becoming meals.  But honestly, I only use recipes about...

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